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佛山最好的成人英语中心 时代教育 水果姐自述成为偶像的原因

2020/4/17 1:29:51发布153次查看
 katy perry has revealed the trick to making her packed schedule work - no boyfriends.据凯蒂·佩里(水果姐)透露,她的日程被安排的满满当当的秘诀是她没有男朋友。
juggling a packed tour schedule along with filming commitments for american idol, something had to give.要同时应付紧凑的巡演安排并参与《美国偶像》的拍摄就得有所舍弃。
and for katy perry, single following her break-up with orlando bloom, her love life was the obvious choice.对凯蒂·佩里来说,在她与奥兰多·布鲁姆分手,恢复单身后,显然她选择舍弃了自己的感情生活。
'i'm a bit younger in heart! i'm a bit more mature...single!' a laughing katy said, when asked about how she makes american idol work with her tour schedule.当被问及她是如何做到在进行巡演的同时出演《美国偶像》的时候,凯蒂笑着说道:“我的心态要年轻一点!作为单身人士,我更成熟一些!”
'you know, when you're single, you got a lot of time to yourself and a lot of energy, and i'm just finding a delicate balance.'“你知道的,当你单身的时候,你就会有许多时间和精力,我只是找到了一个微妙的平衡。
”but having been paid $25million for her idol gig, she needs to give producers their money's worth.虽然凯蒂因出演《美国偶像》赚得2500万美金,但她需要让制片人觉得钱花得值。
by contrast, charlie puth recently revealed he turned down a role on american idol because the schedule was 'too overwhelming '.相比之下,查理·普斯最近表示他推掉了《美国偶像》的邀约,因为其日程安排“太难应对了”。
the we don't talk anymore hitmaker admitted he was 'honoured' to be asked to be a judge on the talent show, but said he had to turn it down.创作了《唯有沉默》这首热门歌曲的查理称,他“很荣幸”能被邀请担任这档选秀节目的评委,但他不得不拒绝。
charlie shared: 'the schedule got too overwhelming. abc is wonderful and i told them i would love to be in business with them in the future.”查理说,“其日程安排太难应对了。美国广播公司很棒,我告诉他们,我很想在将来与他们一起合作。”



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